Ukulele Resources

Main Ukelady Site

Scale Overview

Chord Charts

Other Resources

Scales (Every music student's favorite topic)

This is a single page PDF file with some comments and examples dealing with the scales you're likely to encounter when playing in our group: scales-for-uke.pdf.

Chord Fingering Charts

If you are just getting started with our group, please check out various “how to” resources on the web. Please get a complete fingering chart! Two freely available (you just have to print them) are on the site Both charts are 6 pages long and cover more chords than you'll ever need, use or see!

Over the years, I have written a number of beginner music student essays. Free free to browse and read them here: beginner band essays.

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Web Design--Bob van der Poel This page was last modified on 2024-03-21