My Color Computer/OS9 Catalogue
Dear Color Computer/OS9 User:
We are pleased to present you with our current list of programs for OS9 Level II and Color Computer Disk Extended BASIC. The majority of the Level II programs have been written for the Tandy Color Computer 3, and may need the special windowing system supplied with that system. However, many non-terminal specific programs (Vprint, DML9, Basic09 Subroutine Pack, and others) will work on any Level II system. The DECB programs, unless otherwise noted, will work on the Coco I/II/III.
If you would like our OS9/68000 catalogue, please call or drop us a note—we'll be glad to send it to you.
In all of our programs you will notice our constant attention to detail! If you want flashy programs which put 6000 colors on the screen at once and beep and bop at you after each keystroke, then you've come to the wrong software company. But if you want programs which do what they say they will, and do it quickly and efficiently then Bob van der Poel Software is the place for you. And don't let the low prices fool you. Each of our packages is a professional, tested, debugged product with complete documentation. Our prices are low because we don't advertise in the flashy magazines. You, our customers, are our best advertisement. Thank you for making our little company such a success!
OS9-Level II
Ved Text Editor
Haven't you been fooling with line editors long enough? Or did you get a mickey mouse editor written in a high-level language which does screen refreshes so slowly that you can count the characters as they are printed. Well fret no more—Ved is here! Our amazing editor is less than 8k long, but since it is written in fast, efficient 6809 assembler and takes advantage of OS-9's system resources it lacks no features: 52,000 character buffer; overstrike/insert mode; adjustable tabs; definable (and savable) macro keys; word delete; block move, copy and delete; auto-indent, global changes, plus much more. In combination with our Vprint text formatter Ved becomes a superior word processor. I/O commands include block save/print, append, etc. But that's not all: everything Ved does is FAST. No more delays!
128K OS-9 Level 2 $24.95
Vprint Text Formatter
This dynamite text formatter will take a file produced by any text editor (of course, we prefer our own Ved) and produce beautifully formatted documents, newsletters, essays or just plain letters. Because of printer initialization files, which you can create or customize, Vprint will work with ANY printer. Not only will it work, it will fully support all the different fonts and type styles you have on your printer. In addition, Vprint will completely support proportional fonts. Standard features include margins, indents, headers, footers and other things so basic we wouldn't even mention them here. Advanced features include multiple column output, repeats, macros (with optional parameter passing), internal number registers, footnotes, marginal notes, change bars, automatic indexing/table of contents, future event testing. . .we could go on for ever listing features. Why not just take our word for it— Vprint is the most powerful text formatter available for OS-9 (including competitors like XPRINT, Stylo and Dynastar), and beats the pants off many MS- DOS offerings too.
512K OS-9 Level 2 $29.95
OS-9 Character Set Editor
Sure, the OS-9 manuals talk about creating your own character sets to run in hi-res screens, but do they tell you how? Help is here...this great little program lets you modify a existing character set OR create your own from scratch. "Fatbit" editing grids make it easy to create the exact shape you want. A special option lets you edit a series of characters at one time—ideal for designing characters to use in games, etc. Editing commands include copy, shift, rotate and MUCH MORE. This program uses windows and overlay menus to guide you through its commands. Sample fonts are included PLUS detailed documentation which gets you using fonts and graphics the easy way. A must for any OS-9 Level II user.
512K OS-9 Level 2 $19.95
OS-9 Disk Mailing List (DML9)
This mailing list program is so full of features, and so easy to use and fast it even impresses us when we use it. Using a unique system of indexes and linked lists, access to any record is nearly instantaneous—and since records are inserted into the list as they are added you never need to sort the file. Records are maintained in alphabetical order as well as by zip code (ideal for bulk mailings). Each record has fields for the usual name, address and phone number as well as a memo field, the date the record was added to the list and the date the record was last printed. You have COMPLETE control over how the output will be formatted. Matches can be easily specified—you could list all those people whose first name starts with "C" and live in New York, or any other combination. Stores appx. 1800 names on a DS-40 track floppy, more on larger media. Special merge option lets you convert existing files. As usual, complete, well-written instructions are included to get you going right away.
512K OS-9 Level 2 $24.95
Basic09 Subroutine Pack
A must for Basic09 programmers! This handy package includes a set of machine language programs written to be interfaced with Basic09. Each program has been written for optimum speed and efficiency, yet they are all easy to use. Each does complete error checking. Included are routines to convert strings between upper and lower-case, nifty routines to display menus and disk directories (for the CoCo3 only), a "midstring" replace, several file handlers, a SOUND routine, an Extended Color BASIC DRAW emulator, a LINEINPUT with visual editing, several file handlers for finding file size, modification dates, setting file size, etc. PLUS much more. Twenty-four routines in all make this one heck of a deal!
OS-9 (any level) $24.95
Written to explore the graphics capabilities of the CoCo 3. This program plays an excellent hand of the classic card game. Written in lighting fast 'C', this is a great card game simulation which'll keep you going for hours—but beware, some people have been known to spend so much time playing (and trying to beat the computer) they never do get around to doing the dishes!
512K OS-9 Level 2 $19.95
Ultra Label Maker
Turn your printer into a label maker. Hi-res displays let you preview the label just as it'll appear. Formatting options include centering, flush right and justification. Labels can be saved to disk or tape for later use. A special numbering option has been included so now you can do tickets, etc., and a merge option lets you use the package with mailing lists and other ASCII files. With this package and your printer you can start making money with your computer. Can be used with any printer! Find out why this program has received top reviews—this is the Cadillac of label making programs for not only the CoCo, but any computer. Friends have asked us to rewrite this for their BIG computers, but we've been firm—only for the CoCo! Pity.
512K OS-9 Level II $19.95
Magazine Index System
A computerized magazine article retrieval system with neat input routines and fast searches. This easy to use program comes with a giant data base of CoCo articles and detailed documentation. And it's not only for your CoCo magazines—use it to index hobby magazines, etc. It'll really show its stuff a year from now when you say to yourself, "I remember reading about that, somewhere?" Latest version includes an option to send matching items to a disk file AND lets you specify more match parameters! A real timesaver.
512K OS-9 Level 2 $19.95
RMA Assembler Library
A complete set of C-like functions which can be easily added to your assembler programs. The package comes complete with dozens of routines, complete with 75K of source code. The docs come on the disk for you to print out. And you can incorporate the routines into your own programs—no royalties.
512K OS-9 Level 2 $19.95
Stock Manager
If you have a computer, why aren't you using it to keep track of your investments? This disk program will keep track of your stock and bond purchases, dividend and interest received, graph trends, and print annual recaps your accountant will love you for. And it's so easy to sit down and calculate your portfolio's value. Tested and used for ten years, this one's a winner.
512K OS-9 Level 2 $24.95
OS-9 Public Domain Disk
This disk contains a number of programs we have written which we don't feel are large enough to offer as a commercial product (even though we've seen others asking big bucks for much less...), however they are pretty neat. A package to print VEF graphics to an EPSON compatible printer, a nifty new DIR command, some BASIC09 utilities and more. All come programs come with source code and some documentation on disk.
512K OS-9 Level 2 $9.95
Disk Utility Pack II
Sixteen great programs for one low price. ARCHIVE saves an entire disk (35/40 tracks or even OS-9 disks) to tape. BACKUP is a superfast disk backup utility cutting down the disk swaps to 3 for a single drive (32/64K and 35/40 track versions included), PLUS a special CoCo 3 Backup which does a whole disk in one pass and then allows for multiple copies from the data in memory. FORMAT, a replacement for DSKINI, will save you lots of time (three versions included). FIND searches a disk file for a pattern and reports all occurrences. COMPARE makes sure two files are identical. OCCOUNT counts the number of occurrences of a pattern in a disk file. MENU reads all your drives and displays a sorted directory from which you can select your choice with the arrow keys. DSKMATCH verifies that 2 disks are identical—ideal for checking important backups. All programs configure to CoCo 3 screens if run on a 3, CoCo 2 compatible.
32K Disk $14.95
Ultra Editor
A full-featured, screen-orientated line editor for the CoCo 3. Taking advantage of the extra memory and text screens of Tandy's latest this editor features a 50K+ main buffer AND a 16K secondary buffer so you can have 2 files in memory at the same time. Powerful editing commands let you move text, splice and break lines, etc. Cursor movement commands make it easy to find what you're looking for. Up to 9 macros can be defined and saved (and they can include commands!) The status line includes column and line position, memory and editing mode information. Auto-indent makes it easy to write structured code. Plus much, much more.
128K Disk $19.95
A mailing list program for the CoCo 3. Each file can have up to 200 records. On screen editing makes data entry and changes easy. ML search routines find any record fast! ML sorts available on any field (first name, last name, address, city, state, code, phone and memo). Uses standard ASCII files for compatibility with other programs. Many print-out options. This is an ideal program for clubs, small businesses, your own Xmas card lists, etc.
128K Disk $16.45
Ultra Telepatch
The ultimate enhancement to Telewriter 64—after using it you'll wonder how you ever lived without it. Don't be fooled by imitations offering only some features—buy from the creator of the original! A partial list of features: user definable defaults; overstrike mode; a true move; single keystroke word delete; in memory disk I/O (no more delays); buffered keyboard (no more lost characters); search/ replace control codes and special characters; a disk spooling option . . . and much, much more. Works with all DOSes which support TW-64. The latest version even includes new indent commands—now it's so easy to highlight sections of your text! CoCo 3 compatible! Uses 1.8 Meg CoCo 3 speed for even faster operation.
64K Disk $19.95
CoCo 3 Cribbage
Written to explore the graphics capabilities of the CoCo 3. This program plays an excellent hand of the classic card game. Not only can you play with it, but if you get ambitious you can list and examine the FULLY COMMENTED, 100% BASIC program. Learn how to use CoCo 3 graphics and "artificial intelligence" algorithms. This is a great card game simulation which'll keep you going for hours—but beware, some people have been known to spend so much time playing (and trying to beat the computer) they never do get around to doing the dishes!
128K Disk $13.95
TW-64 Character Set Editor
Now you can have the character set you want with our favorite word processor. Three sample character sets are included (one has French characters, another has true descenders). Customize the character set to use phonetics, scientific symbols or even a whole new alphabet. This easy-to-use editor works with all versions of Telewriter-64.
32K Disk $14.95
Disk Programming Package
A must for any programmer; a necessity for non-programmers who what to make minor changes to their favorite BASIC programs. This package contains four hard-to-find programs. ADDML automatically appends machine language routines to BASIC programs in a easy, no fuss manner. UNPACKER undoes the work of program compressors—lets you modify code crunched by PACKER or any other program compressor. MLBASIC converts a BASIC program into a machine language file which can be LOADMed and EXECed. Includes program encryption and checksum verification. Code is PIC and may be ROMed. JOIN links several machine language modules together and adds auto-execute if desired.
32K Disk $14.95
SemiGraphics 4 Editor
Ever wonder how those neat, colorful title screens were created? Now you can do your own! Powerful, fast, easy to use "graphicom-like" commands let you draw lines, rectangles, edit individual pixels, move graphics and print huge characters in eight color set/reset graphics. And, when you're done, the screen can be saved as DATA statements, a ML file, or as FCB lines for inclusion in assembly language programs. The easy way to add that professional touch to your programs.
32K Disk $14.95
Ultra Label Maker
Turn your printer into a label maker. Hi-res displays let you preview the label just as it'll appear. Formatting options include centering, flush right and justification. Labels can be saved to disk or tape for later use. A special numbering option has been included so now you can do tickets, etc., and a merge option lets you use the package with mailing lists and other ASCII files. With this package and your printer you can start making money with your computer. Can be used with any printer! Find out why this program has received top reviews—this is the Cadillac of label making programs for not only the CoCo, but any computer. Friends have asked us to rewrite this for their BIG computers, but we've been firm—only for the CoCo 1, 2 or 3. Pity.
32K Disk $14.95
The Disk Pilot
This disk file maintenance utility lets you copy, kill, rename and list file information on your disk files and programs—usually with a single keystroke. Its complete error trapping ensures problem free operation. With multi-drive systems you get a split screen showing two directories at a time. Easy to use, cursor driven. FAST.
32K Disk $14.95
Adds high resolution text displays and enhancements to BASIC commands. True upper and lower-case 24 line displays, scroll protection, 1 to 255 characters per line, repeating keys, ON ERROR command, special input command with on screen editing. Mix graphics and text on the same screen. This program was written to use for in-house program development; now you too can access this powerful tool.
16K Disk $12.95
Magazine Index System
A computerized magazine article retrieval system with neat input routines and fast searches. This easy to use program comes with a giant data base of CoCo articles and detailed documentation. And it's not only for your CoCo magazines—use it to index hobby magazines, etc. It'll really show its stuff a year from now when you say to yourself, "I remember reading about that, somewhere?" Latest version includes an option to send matching items to a disk file AND lets you specify more match parameters! A real time saver.
32K Disk $14.95
The only way to list BASIC programs. This deluxe, 100% ML utility puts spaces between keywords, indents FOR-NEXT and IF-THEN-ELSE structures, emphasizes keywords and prints page headers. Even compressed programs with long lines can be listed—and output is selectable to the printer, screen or disk/cassette files. Even handles the new CoCo 3 keywords as well as illegal tokens. After you list some programs with this utility you'll wonder how you ever read a BASIC program without it—caution, formatted listings can become addictive.
16K Disk $14.95
100% ML for speed. Cross-reference the variables and line numbers in your BASIC programs; find out how many times different variables are used; PLUS string search finds all occurrences you input. All output can be sent to the screen or printer. If you have ever made a change to a program only to find that the variable you added was already used, or deleted a line called by a GOSUB you'll know why this program is a programmer's joy and a non-programmer's must.
16K Disk $14.95
Want to get more memory out of your computer? Want to have your programs run faster? Then this is the utility for you. This 100% ML utility will strip your BASIC program of unnecessary spaces, colons and LET statements; delete unneeded semicolons; remove unneeded GOTOs after THENs and ELSEs; join lines together (creating lines much longer than 254 characters); strip out comment lines; and fix referenced remark lines. Each option can be used separately. Complete error reporting. The result cannot always be edited—an ideal way to protect you code from snoopers, especially when combined with MLBASIC from our Disk Programming Pack.
16K Disk $14.95
Stock Manager
If you have a computer, why aren't you using it to keep track of your investments? This disk program will keep track of your stock and bond purchases, dividend and interest received, graph trends, and print annual recaps your accountant will love you for. And it's so easy to sit down and calculate your portfolio's value. Tested and used for over three years, this one's a winner.
32K Disk $19.95
Disk Management System
This old favorite has been called "the best disk manager ever" by many satisfied users. DMS quickly reads and compresses disk directories and stores them on a special data disk—the data can be scanned for a specific program, listed for a complete, sorted catalogue of your programs or used to restore a crashed directory. Don't compare this to the slow freebies published in the magazines—this is a full-featured, professional program you'll find invaluable in keeping track of your disks.
16K Disk $14.95
Custom DOSes for the CoCo seem to be about a dime a dozen, and the one we use isn't really all that spectacular—but it does work, and work well. Our DOS fixes a number of DECB 1.0 bugs, changes to 6ms track stepping, and modifies drive tables for accessing the backs of double sided disks. On powerup the drive heads are reset to track 0and then a DOS is attempted—OS-9 will automatically boot. Unlike other DOSes, we have yet to find a program this one doesn't work with. A disk with the commented assembler source and the binary overlay is yours "almost free"...just send us $5.00 to cover our costs.
Green Mountain EPROM Burner Software
If you have one of these you probably know that it is a great EPROM
burner...but the software does leave something (a lot!) to be desired.
We've rewritten the entire program. It now uses the fast (intelligent)
algorithm and does a 2764 in about half a minute. We'll send you a disk
with the BASIC/ML program and our original assembly language source code
"almost free"...just send us $5.00 to cover our costs.
All our programs are in stock for immediate shipping. Please include check or money order with your order. Sorry, no credit cards; but we will ship COD to US and Canadian addresses (we add a small additional charge to cover the post office COD fee). Please add 5% to all orders (minimum $2.00) to cover shipping and handling costs. All orders are shipped via first class mail, usually on the same day they are received.
Updates: If you already own a copy of one of our programs and want the latest version just drop us a note with a proof of purchase and $7.50 to cover our distribution costs ($5.00 if you return your original disk in a re-useable disk mailer).
We live in Canada, but for the convenience of our American customers we maintain a post office box in nearby Porthill, Idaho. All US orders are shipped from Porthill so you have no customs problems.
And if you can't find anything you like on this list, please pass it along to a friend—we don't advertise in the glossy magazines (ever wonder who really pays for the hype?) so we can keep our prices low.
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This page was last modified on 2024-03-21 |