
Groove: Hymnroot

Notes: If you are doing a hymn in church, you might appreciate this. We use a organ and bring in some strings in the "plus" versions.

Author: Bob van der Poel

Description: The same hymn with chords in root position.

SeqSize: 4 Time (beats per bar): 4

Track Name: Bass

Voice/Tones: ChurchOrgan Articulate: 120
Unify: 0 Octave: 3
Volume: 100 Harmony: None
Rskip: 0 Rvolume: 5
Rtime: 0 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None

Track Name: Chord

Voice/Tones: ChurchOrgan Articulate: 100
Unify: True Octave: 5
Volume: 100 Harmony: None
Rskip: 0 Rvolume: 5
Rtime: 0 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None Voicing: KEY