
Groove: Evansishsus

Notes: This is based on "" and tries to be a bit like Bill Evans (although no one could ever be that great!). The style knocks the roots out of all the piano chords and relies on the bass player for roots. I use this for the example songs "But Beautiful" and "Some Other Time".

Author: Bob van der Poel

Description: Add strings to the mix.

SeqSize: 4 Time (beats per bar): 4

PUSH0 The swing feeling for this groove is controlled by the PUSH0 value. By default it is set to 0.666 which gives a regular ``swing'' feel. You might want to change it to 0.75 for a more ``square'' feel.

Track Name: Chord-Piano

Voice/Tones: Piano1 Articulate: 150
Unify: 0 Octave: 5
Volume: 70 Harmony: None
Rskip: 20 Rvolume: 0,10
Rtime: 10 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None Voicing: KEY2

Track Name: Chord-Piano2

Voice/Tones: Piano1 Articulate: 90
Unify: 0 Octave: 4
Volume: 40 Harmony: None
Rskip: 20 Rvolume: 5
Rtime: 5 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None Voicing: None

Track Name: Chord-Strings

Voice/Tones: Strings Articulate: 100
Unify: True Octave: 5
Volume: 25 Harmony: None
Rskip: 0 Rvolume: 0
Rtime: 0 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None Voicing: None

Track Name: Drum-Kick1

Voice/Tones: KickDrum1 Articulate: 90
Volume: 40 Harmony: None
Rskip: 0 Rvolume: 5
Rtime: 5 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None

Track Name: Drum-Ohh

Voice/Tones: OpenHiHat Articulate: 90
Volume: 100 Harmony: None
Rskip: 0 Rvolume: 5
Rtime: 5 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None

Track Name: Drum-Ride1

Voice/Tones: RideCymbal1 Articulate: 90
Volume: 40 Harmony: None
Rskip: 0 Rvolume: 5
Rtime: 5 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None

Track Name: Drum-Snare1

Voice/Tones: SnareDrum1 Articulate: 90
Volume: 40 Harmony: None
Rskip: 0 Rvolume: 5
Rtime: 5 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None

Track Name: Drum-Snare2

Voice/Tones: SnareDrum2 Articulate: 90
Volume: 70 Harmony: None
Rskip: 0 Rvolume: 5
Rtime: 5 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None

Track Name: Walk-Main

Voice/Tones: AcousticBass Articulate: 80   90   70   80
Unify: 0 Octave: 3
Volume: 70 Harmony: None
Rskip: 20 Rvolume: 10
Rtime: 0 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None