
Groove: Cubanguitarplus

Notes: A gentle background for slow Cuban and other latin songs. It could be played on one guitar, if one is very good! Has only a guitar and bass (well, plus some strings for the sustained sections). Written for the tune ``Duele''.

Author: Bob van der Poel

Description: Basic pattern with some additional harmony notes.

SeqSize: 4 Time (beats per bar): 4

Track Name: Arpeggio

Voice/Tones: JazzGuitar Articulate: 140
Unify: 0 Octave: 5
Volume: 100 Harmony: None
Rskip: 0 Rvolume: 5
Rtime: 5 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None

Track Name: Arpeggio-Harmony

Voice/Tones: JazzGuitar Articulate: 140
Unify: 0 Octave: 5
Volume: 70 Harmony: OPENBELOW
Rskip: 10 Rvolume: 5
Rtime: 5 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None

Track Name: Arpeggio-Plus

Voice/Tones: JazzGuitar Articulate: 110
Unify: 0 Octave: 5
Volume: 100 Harmony: OPENABOVE
Rskip: 40 Rvolume: 5
Rtime: 10 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None

Track Name: Bass

Voice/Tones: FingeredBass Articulate: 110
Unify: 0 Octave: 3
Volume: 100 Harmony: None
Rskip: 0 Rvolume: 5
Rtime: 5 SeqRND: Off
Strum: None